Your Client Profile requires a Package Schedule to function. This Package is then chosen when an appointment is made and tells the system where to charge the service to. The Package types can be customised to suit your business needs (see article on Managing Package Schedules).


To attach the Package choose the Package Schedules Tab from within the Client Profile (see the article Finding a Client Profile if you need assistance) and then select the "Add Package Schedule" button.


This will bring up a pop up window for you to choose the Package and supply additional details. Choose the Package, a Case Manager and dates for the Package. Fields with and Asterisk against them are required to save. Once you have completed this select the "ADD SCHEDULE" button to save and then close the window with the red "X" button to return to the list.


You can add more than one type of Package Schedule to a Client Profile if they have funding coming from multiple sources.


If a Package Schedule has an end date for funding this can be added and a new Package started on the following day when the funding changes. This might happen with NDIS Packages when a new Plan is created or HCP Packages when a Client moves from one level to another (see the article on HCP Package Level Changes for more details on this process).