There will be few occasions where you no longer provide services to clients and need to remove them from your Eziplan system. One being client leaving your organisation and moving to another provider, and another being client now deceased. We will look at what the best practice is to handle this within Eziplan.

When a client is departing your company, you can mark this client as 'deleted' in Eziplan. However, there are few things you need to do before you delete the client.

  1. Update the end date of the package schedule
  2. Cancel any associated scheduled/upcoming appointments
  3. Reconcile - continue with statements until the final fund transfers have been done, balancing the account to $0
  4. Mark the reconciled date to match the last statement date
  5. Mark client as deleted

When a client exits the system, you need to END their package schedule but leave their 'date reconciled' blank until the funds are returned to Medicare or transferred to another provider.

Reconciliation steps are as follows:

Step 1 - Set the package schedule End Date

Go to the Client's profile and open the Package Schedules tab. Click on the current package schedule to open it.

This screen will open.

After you have set the end date for your services the statements for this client will now show up in dark blue with the word 'Uncreconciled' under the client name.

Step 2 - Unspent funds that needs to be returned

With IPA, eventually, you will not need to return funds but you do need to zero the balance for your client package to allow you to reconcile the money. This process works the same whether you still have remaining unspent funds or not. When you have unspent funds still you just need to follow your normal notification processes to the government and then wait until they take the money through the monthly claiming process.

Medicare return

You will need to report to the Medicare portal the amount of uspent funds owed back to the client package. After this happens, a transaction will be included in the XML statement downloaded. This happens 70 days post finish and will not show specifically in the XML but the balance will adjust there. You need to check the statement export in pdf form to see the exact time it has occurred.
While the balance held by the provider will be set to $0 the government held amount will still show in the statement.

Once this has occurred you will see an item like this in the statement for your client. and the Government will show as holding the entire package balance.

Step 3 - Reset the package balance

You will now need to add an income item to the client statement to allow you to reconcile the package.

Step 4 - Set the 'Date Reconciled'

This should be the date that either the Medicare transaction shows the balance being returned, or the date the balance was transferred to another provider.

The client should now stop appearing in the statement area for subsequent months.