Important to note that only staff with company admin rights has the permission to do this. Deleted client information remains stored in the system, ensuring that if clients are reinstated, there is no need for manual data entry or document re-uploading.

To delete a user from Eziplan Menu, go to Care Workers > User List

Select a user from the list and from the user's profile, click on 'View/Edit Details'. Scroll all the way at the bottom of the profile, tick 'Yes' in the Deleted portion and then 'Update User'. 

Click on the 'View Deleted Users' tab then select a user from the list.

From their profile, click 'View/Edit Details'

Please note that this does not delete the profile altogether and only archives the user, moving them to the Deleted User list. To find Deleted Users go to the User List page and choose the Tab "View Deleted Users". You will now see a list of all of the Users you have previously deleted from your workforce.

To make a user active again, open the User Profile you want reactivated. Go through the same process of selecting a staff, go to their profile, select 'View/Edit Details' and check the 'No' option next to Delete at the bottom of the profile and then click 'Update User'.

To find the Care Workers list see the article "Finding a User Profile".