The Qualification snapshot report is designed to give you a quick overview of all staff, the qualifications they have and when these qualifications are due to expire. This will help you manage:

  • the staff who have a specific qualification
  • the coverage you have for a qualification for upcoming appointments
  • expiry dates for qualifications

At the top of the report there are two rows that show home many staff members are qualified, and how many appointments you have to cover with the qualification. Review these if you are looking for coverage of staff qualifications for your planner.

To quickly scan the status of your qualifications, use the Indicator view. This will create a grid of staff members (rows) by qualification (columns).

The indicator colours to quickly scan for any qualifications that are due or expired.

If you are reviewing qualification expiry dates, then switch the report view to View by Date where the report will replace the indicator with the expiry date. If there is no expiry date for the qualification, then an 'X' is marked on the report.

The Qualification snapshot report is available as an option under your Care Workers or Team Members menu. There is also a link to this report on your Home Page.