From the Eziplan Menu:

Appointments - Individual Appointments

This will take you to the list of Client appointments in your system.

In the search options, fill out the date range and change the 'Status' filter to 'Cancelled'. Make sure you have the 'Records per page' as the maximum setting. Click the 'Search Appointments' button to filter the list and show all the cancelled appointments.

From here, you can export the results to an Excel spreadsheet using the green icon on the top right hand corner of the 'Individual Appointments' page.

You can also view the list of cancelled appointments that are still chargeable via customisable reports. To access these reports see Creating Customised Reports. Select the Mail Merge "By Appointment - Custom" page,

You need to fill in the date range you want to view. You should also maximise the number of records per page. From here, you can also choose the option you want the list to be sorted by (for example, by date, or by package).

You will then need to ensure the following fields are ticked:

  1. Appointment Fields:
    • Reference Number
    • Date
    • Chargeable Cancellation
    • Cancellation Reason
  2. Clients:
    • Client First name
    • Client Surname

Once you've clicked 'Search', the chargeable cancelled appointments for the date period selected will be listed. Note that appointments not allocated to a staff member will not show up in the list. To export the results shown on the page to an Excel spreadsheet, use the green icon.