If an appointment is recurring, you can add them as Repeat Appointments in Eziplan.

From the Eziplan Menu:

Appointments - Repeats

From here, select 'Add New Repeat Appointment':

You will need to enter the start date of the week the appointment will need to start from (ie. add the date for the Monday of the week the appointment will commence from). This is recommended in case there is any changes to the day the appointment needs to occur. Next, you select the day of the week the appointment needs to occur and how often (ie. the frequency):

You will also need to consider if this appointment should still occur on public holidays. Choose the 'No' option if the appointment should be skipped on public holidays so that it doesn't appear on the Weekly Planner:

You can then fill in the rest of the information required (similar to Add a Once-off Appointment) and click 'Add Repeat Appointment':