When creating service types for your NDIS clients, you may define the codes to be used for claiming Provider Travel - Non Labour Costs. Creating these codes on the service type ensures the system will generate a charge and claim for the kms created for TRAVEL TO appointments. This charge requires you to have placed this in your contract with the client (please make sure your have appropriate advice on this).

To set the code for Provider Travel - Non Labour Costs choose the appropriate code from the drop down list in the Service Type setup.

Once this code is set on your service type, the system will now recognise it needs to take action and generate a charge/claim based on client settings. There are 3 ways you can nominate how the client is to be charged for this travel:

  • A set number of kms (set the code and then put an amount in the Client Details under the Default KM option)
  • The actual number of kms based upon the location of the previous appointment (Set the code and leave the Default KM amount in the Client Details as "0")
  • Do not charge the client (Set Provider Travel option to "No Charge")

You can charge for minutes travelled (Provider Travel - Labour Costs) by placing a Default Travel Time amount in the client profile. This amount is coded based on the NDIS code attached to the Service Type.

Remember, you may always override these settings on the repeat appointment and the individual appointment once it has been rostered.

At the time of generating invoices, the system will look at the settings and display how the kms will be charged.

A client override with set kms

A client override with no charge for kms, regardless of travel

In summary, if you are expecting charges to clients for Travel TO kms (Provider Travel - Non Labour Costs) please ensure:

  • The Service Type has the NDIS code for Provider Travel
  • To charge a fixed km charge
    • the Client Settings has the #kms in default km charge
    • the Appointment has account settings for kms
  • To charge the actual TRAVEL TO kms travelled between appointments
    the Client Settings has 0 default km charge

If you wish to charge for provider based travel, and exclude some clients from this charge, please ensure:

  1. the appropriate Client Settings has -1 default km charge

It is important to note we are only talking about charges to the client, which is separate to any payments made to your staff for travel.