It is possible to edit a Care Worker's appointments where you require an override of the start/end times and the travel to/with a client. There are many ways to find an appointment that requires editing, see Searching Appointments for more detail. You may also choose to review appointments with variances, see Staff Time and Attendance for more detail.

The Daily Snapshot provides quick links to review variances against the scheduled appointment; the simplest way to stay up to date and review by exception only. Processing these variances on a daily basis will ensure your invoicing and payroll exports are correct, having reviewed and accepted/rejected any differences.

  • Start/End Variances - appointments that have differences in their scheduled start/end times in the last 21 days
  • Travel Variances - differences in kms claimed TO and WITH the client against those recommended in the last 21 days

Once you have found the appointment in question, click on the Reference number of the appointment you wish to edit.

This will open the appointment details page where you can use the Override buttons to enter in the start and end times, KM’s, travel time and vehicle used. This information is normally entered by the care worker (in the Mobile Web App).

When editing appointments, the actual times and distance travelled values are used for billing and payroll purposes. Overriding this information as an Administrator will make any adjustments needed for invoice and payroll processing:

After the correct information is entered, click on Update Appointment:

A confirmation message will appear in a green notification bar.

Clicking on Back to Appointments will take you back to the list of Pending Completion