In Eziplan, it is possible to generate a list of all future appointments for a client and provide a fully priced Service Schedule. This type of Budget/Quote/Service Schedule is only for NDIS clients. This means that all Service Types you are going to use need to be associated with an NDIS Price Code. If you need to confirm this see the article Managing Service Types.

The next step is to find the specific Client's Profile and then select 'Package Schedules':

If you haven't already, you will need to add a package schedule and enter the NDIS Agreement dates, if applicable (or the dates you expect to be servicing this Client).

From here, you can access the Budget for this Client's NDIS Package by selecting 'NDIS Budget'. You will need to add all the appropriate 'Support Purpose' from the Client's approved NDIS Plan:

Ensure you copy the relevant support item's Total Funded Support into the 'spending cap' text box. Be aware that if this is not a new plan you will need to know the amount that is left at the date you are quoting from.

Once you have saved all this information, you will then need to Add Repeat Appointments for this client.

Finally, you will see a list of the Support Purposes and all the future appointments for this client. You can then download the pdf from here to give a fully priced Service Schedule.